Youlean Loudness Meter – Changelog
V2.5.10 – November 9, 2024
Fixed graph memory not saving correctly
Fixed utf8 characters not showing correctly in file names on Windows
Fixed meter hidden when external monitor is disconnected
Fixed file browse multimono crash
Fixed clipped text when moving with hardware acceleration off
Fixed crash when changing default OS audio device with standalone app
Fixed broken chars in Windows App settings
Fixed app will reset its settings if you quit via app menu a couple of times in a row
Fixed AAE: -20038 error in Pro Tools
App will now remember its position on the screen
Added resizing from all sides of the window for App on Windows
Removed meter interface is larger than the monitor warning
macOS 10.13 is now minimum requirement
Various small fixes
V2.5.9 – October 3, 2024
Fixed default settings do not load correctly with VST3 in some DAWs
Saving app session and dark theme settings are now global
Updated handling AAX IDs for a possible final fix for -20038 error in Pro Tools
Various small fixes
V2.5.8 – September 26, 2024
Fixed crash when changing audio inputs in standalone APP
Fixed not being able to change audio device in the standalone APP on macOS 14.1 or earlier
Fixed normalized file name unicode error on Windows
Fixed GPU acceleration can not be disabled in some cases
Fixed overdubbing with Time Code mode not showing the right part of the graph
Added a popup button to update all presets when you change some parameters
The app will automatically reset audio input settings if it detects that it has crashed repeatedly
Various small fixes
V2.5.7 – September 13, 2024
Fixed uppercase letters in the file extension not recognized correctly when analyzing a file
Fixed normalization not working for FLAC files
Fixed normalization not working correctly for files bigger than 4GB
Fixed graph glitches when framerate drops while overwriting in the time code mode
Fixed macOS scaling using CTLR instead of COMMAND key
Fixed crash in Qlab 5 on macOS
Fixed app won’t scale correctly on Windows when moving between monitors with different DPI
Fixed the “GUI will not fit” warning wrongly showing when using vertical monitors
Fixed AAX plugin doesn’t load in Avid Media Composer
Fixed AAX AAE: -20038 error in Pro Tools
Fixed graphical glitch when graphs are updating
Fixed compatibility with older project files
Added “–unregister-license” option to unregister license from the command line tool
Added more graph window sizes between 1h and 4h
Added option to double click and edit window size. Use: 01:15:53, or 1h 15m 53s notation. If time is not specified, it will be treated as minutes
Added option to auto update graph window size from the input audio length
Added default audio device option for input and output in the standalone app
Added option to reverse mouse wheel zooming direction
Added peak meter scale options
Added option to analyze system audio natively on macOS 14.2 and later
Added license info panel in registration menu
Added “Reset All Settings” button in the help menu
Updated the handling of global settings
Presets now save all settings, including text scaling etc.
Graph saving option no longer requires PRO version
Improved project saving speed and reduced project file size
Improved Audio Unit stability
Reversed direction of mouse wheel graph zooming
Windows app when analyzing system audio will auto switch audio devices if the default device is changed
Switched normalization WAV format for files bigger than 4GB from W64 to RF64 for better compatibility
Increased maximum file analysis time to 5965 hours (tested up to 150 hours)
Input file is not required anymore to register the license in the command line tool
App will now always start centered on the screen in order to prevent it from being off-screen in multi monitor setups
Various small fixes and stability improvements
V2.5.6 – December 29, 2023
- Fixed broken GUI text in drag & drop when GPU acceleration is off
- Fixed GUI lag when overwriting measurements in Pro Tools
- Fixed crash in auval tool on macOS
- Fixed crash with VST3 in Reaper on macOS
- Fixed audio output broken in Audacity with VST3
- Fixed top and bottom bars not hiding after project reload
- Updated CSV export file to include all measurements
- It is no longer mandatory to use “–export” for exporting in the command line tool
- You can now use “–preset-import-path” to import a preset from a custom location via the command line
- Various small fixes and stability improvements
V2.5.5 – November 22, 2023
- Added 49 new channel configuration options
- Added a button to quickly copy current measurements summary in the clipboard
- Added a system to check if audio input is detected, and host playback is paused preventing measurements in
- Elapsed histogram mode
- Added ability to analyze up to 24 channel audio
- Added ability to register the PRO version from the command line tool
- Added option to always show all channels for peak meters
- Added option to force multi-mono export for normalized file
- Added option to hide full file paths in exports
- Added option to write BWF metadata to normalized files
- Drag and drop file info text will show file name only
- Fixed crash when GPU acceleration is disabled.
- Fixed message box showing the same messages concurrently
- Fixed resetting bug when rendering in SADiE
- GUI scaling was reset to a default value
- Holding CTRL + ALT on Windows, or Command + Option on macOS and dragging the resize corner will scale the meter interface
- Improved compatibility with SADiE
- Improved design for standalone app preferences
- Improved general stability
- Peak meters will now automatically resize based on the channel count.
- Plugins and standalone app will now automatically select the best audio channel preset for you (if the feature is available in the host)
- Updated GUI scaling code. Windows will now support per-monitor DPI scaling
- Using multi-mono files for normalization will now export multi-mono files instead of the single file
- You can now analyze and normalize 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16, and 24 channel audio.
V2.5.4 – July 19, 2023
- Fixed text summary and Command Line true peak max showing max short term value
- Fixed “USE DRAG & DROP FILE NAME” not working for file export
- Fixed crash when trying to change the export name on some Windows 10 systems
- Fixed GUI glitches with the free version
- Disabled double click to reset scaling on the resize corner
- Added license version info to the help menu
V2.5.3 – July 10, 2023
- Added 3s and 5s windows sizes
- Added 8k and 16k image export resolutions
- Added a helper panel for showing drag and drop channel configuration
- Added ylm2 command line tool that can be used for analysis, normalization, and file export
- Added ability to analyze FCPX clips directly with drag and drop
- Added auto width expand export option
- Added Dolby Media Meter CSV export
- Added export range options with BWF metadata support
- Added file browse panel for selecting individual and multi-mono files
- Added more content options like drawing a true peak graph
- Added option to automatically export graphs after analysis
- Added option to bold loudness target line in the graph
- Added option to bold true peak max line in the graph
- Added option to disable drag and drop normalization
- Added option to disable finish animation after drag and drop
- Added option to disable or enable graph fill
- Added option to hide top and bottom bars on the interface
- Added option to import/export presets
- Added option to select a more dense scale, or streaming scale where -14 is always visible
- Added option to select graph sampling type. This will affect the graph’s appearance when you use a long zoom size.
- Added option to select monochrome, horizontal, or vertical graph coloring
- Added option to select the normalization file format
- Added option to show all measurements export option
- Added option to show color thresholds as a background below the graph
- Added option to show color thresholds numbering on scale
- Added option to use drag and drop folder path for export
- Added path stroke export options
- Added Recalculate Selection Technology. Select the part of the graph you want to recalculate
- Added system default option for app audio sample rate
- Added test files that can be used for analysis and normalization in free and PRO version
- Added text summary file export option
- Added true peak graph histogram view
- Apostrophes are now allowed in the export file name
- Auto reset will automatically be disabled if using time code mode
- File export will now exclude the start offset
- Fixed audio glitches when using low buffer size and high sample rate
- Fixed crash when switching the A/B states
- Fixed crash when trying to replace the exported file
- Fixed dialogue percentage not saved in graph export
- Fixed double click to enter a value not working for alerts when the relative scale is active
- Fixed drop-down menu not responding on macOS
- Fixed hang on load
- Fixed Pro Tools AudioSuite in some cases cuts measurements if previous measurements are not cleared manually
- Fixed Pro Tools crash when saving a session
- Fixed the “audio processing deadline was not met” problem when working at 10h timeline
- Fixed true peak alerts showing in the histogram graph if the true peak threshold is hit
- Fixed Windows crash with mp4 drag and drop
- Fixed Windows installer always adds a desktop icon
- GUI drawing is 2x faster. When working in time code mode, speed up is even more significant
- Histogram position will not change if the playback is stopped and time code histogram mode is used
- Image export timeline will switch to time code if using time code histogram mode
- Improved start-up speed
- Input gain correction is now app setting only
- Lowered brightness of “Created with Youlean Loudness Meter” on export pictures
- Normalization now supports input files greater than 4 hours in length
- Optimized drag and drop and increased speed by up to 3.7x times
- Plugin loading is now 34% faster
- Project saving is now 10x faster.
- Removed 32-bit AAX plugin support for Windows
- Removed graph reset when switching the histogram mode
- The audio driver is now disabled by default for standalone APP
- The dynamics color “knob” improved the handling of the mouse clicks
- The dynamics color button will now be displayed with the gradients like in the graph
- The meter will now smartly exclude all data at the start of the time code if necessary
- Updated targets UX
- You can now click on the “PAUSED” text to resume measurements
- Added ATSC A/85 DIAL preset
V2.4.4 – April 1, 2023
- Added support for AAX Apple Silicon native
V2.5.2 – BETA – April 25, 2022
- Fixed crash when showing a message box
V2.5.1 – BETA – April 24, 2022
- Fixed normalization bug
- Fixed window resizing bug
V2.5.0 – BETA – April 23, 2022
- Fixed APP crash when unplugging audio device on Windows
- Fixed AudioSuite not resetting before analysis
- Fixed PDF export missing some peaks in the true peak graph
- Fixed a nasty bug causing crashes when having multiple plugins loaded at the same time. (might improve stability overall)
- Fixed app freeze when changing audio driver type on Windows
- Fixed app not closing completely in some cases on Windows
- Fixed crashes for Windows standalone app and bad audio drivers
- Fixed message box blocking UI on macOS
- Fixed some alerts shouldn’t change when relative loudness scaling is activated
- Added AES Streaming Short Form preset (commercials <60s)
- Added ITU-R BS.1770-1 DIAL and ITU-R BS.1770-2 DIAL presets
- Added an ability to test drag and drop in the free version with test files
- Added audio pass through option for the standalone app
- Added file loudness normalization with WAV export
- Added min alerts for momentary, short term and true peak hold readouts
- Added normalization verification for double checking normalized file
- Added option to require target hit for normalization
- Added preset popup infobox
- Changed view settings icon
- Disabled multi-mono plugin type in Pro Tools
- Enabled all histogram modes in standalone app and plugin hosts that don’t support these features. Auto reset will not function in some cases.
- Improved preset system
- The minimum OS version for macOS is now 10.11
- Old custom presets will auto upgrade to the new presets
- Reduced vertical size of the interface
- Removed 32-bit AAX plugin on Windows
- Under the hood optimizations
- Updated AAX SDK to the latest version
- Updated VST3 SDK to the latest version
- Other small UI, UX improvements
V2.4.3 – February 14, 2021
- Fixed choppy scrolling in menus on macOS
- Fixed forced dedicated GPU switch on macOS. Now the current GPU will be used if possible
- Fixed default preset not loading correctly
- Fixed loading custom preset does not change the GUI size
- Fixed meter in FCPX getting disabled in Big Sur
- Fixed OS preventing editing files after drag and drop
- Fixed using multi-file drag and drop could lead to incorrect analysis if channel settings are preselected
- Fixed app moving up when resizing the window on macOS
- Fixed installer not working in 32 bit Windows
- Fixed potential huge RAM usage with VST3 plugin
- Fixed GUI flickering in some DAWs on older macOS systems
- Fixed Time Code not working in some situations in Pro Tools
- Updated VST3 SDK to the 3.7.1
- Added support for Apple Silicon
- Added warning when sample rate is incorrect in the app
- If the sample rate is missing in the app preferences, a default sample rate will be used
- Removed momentary window knob
- Simplified buffer settings in the app preferences
- Ignore master volume setting in app preferences is now disabled by default
- Changed view settings icon (hopefully more clear now)
- macOS 10.9 is now a minimum system requirement for macOS
- Other small UI, UX improvements
V2.4.2 – October 19, 2020
- Fixed graph constantly resets in some DAWs
- Fixed file export not showing dialog values if dialog gating is selected
- Fixed app doesn’t remember the custom export path
- Fixed crash with macOS El Capitan
- Fixed crash with macOS Sierra
- Tested and ready for macOS Big Sur
- Improved preferences panel for standalone application
V2.4.1 – October 4, 2020
- Fixed VST plugin not showing inside EDIUS
- Fixed VST3 constantly resetting in Adobe Audition
- Fixed AU plugin not working on some older macOS versions
- Fixed crash that can occur if loading saved project and using timecode with the auto-reset off
- Fixed loudness target knob using frac position when manually setting
- Fixed CPU spike when resetting the graphs
- Fixed audio dropouts when using higher sample rates
- Fixed FCPX muting channels when rendering and using 5.1 channel configuration
- Fixed slow analysis with lower sample rates
- Fixed mono mpg files do not work with drag and drop on Windows
- Fixed drag and drop not working with mono or multichannel AIFF files on macOS
- Fixed true peak max value sometimes not shown in the excel export
- Fixed true peak not correct on mouseover when the relative scale is used
- Fixed export creating incomplete graphs for PDF and SVG files
- Fixed SmartScreen warning on Windows
- Fixed crash with VST2 and DAVID MultiTrack Editor
- Fixed crash in Cakewalk
- Fixed crash with VST2 and Wavelab
- Fixed crash with Adobe Audition
- Fixed crash with Adobe Premiere Pro
- Fixed crash with Soundforge Pro 12
- Fixed crash when analyzing huge files on Windows
- Fixed audio glitches when using VST2 inside Adobe Premiere Pro
- Fixed big ram usage when analyzing big files
- Improved VST2 stability in some daws
- Improved VST3 stability in some daws
- Rewritten GUI engine. Hardware acceleration is now supported
- If hardware acceleration is not supported, software rendering will be used
- Added hold CTRL to set the default preset in the drop-down menu
- Added option to show both integrated relative and dialog gated readout at the same time
- Added Analyze File menu item on the standalone application
- Added HBO, Disney+, EBU R128 S2, and EBU R128 S2 Music streaming presets
- Added remaining time info for drag and drop
- Added support for RF64 WAV encoding for analyzing 4gb+ files
- Removed message box information when exporting graphs
- Removed support for macOS 10.7
- Analyze multi mono files as one file by using .L.wav, .R.wav, etc. extensions with drag and drop
- Changing the preset won’t reset the measurements unless required
- Collapsed groups inside drop-down menus are now saved globally
- Changed color of the focus rectangle in order to make the text more readable
- The export custom path will be globally retained
- Other small UI, UX improvements
V2.4.0 – March 20, 2020
- Fixed macOS Mojave or Catalina can’t analyze audio from inputs
- Fixed crash with Vegas Pro when rendering
- Fixed crash with SADiE 6
- Fixed crash with OBS Studio
- Fixed drop down menus not scrolling in some cases
- Fixed reset button doesn’t clear all values in some hosts
- Fixed switching from A to B state doesn’t switch properly
- Fixed long non-ASCII filenames breaking GUI with file analysis
- Fixed standalone app not starting the audio engine after the first install on macOS
- Fixed standalone app crashes if digital inputs are selected
- Fixed plugin always starts in default size
- Fixed window resizing in Ozone 9
- Fixed dynamic range graph color do not update on preset change
- Fixed channel selection menu not showing correctly with histogram disabled
- Fixed short term alerts not set and reloaded properly in free version
- Fixed edited preset indication not working for streaming services
- Fixed tooltips showing wrong info if menus are open
- Fixed window resizing with OBS Studio
- Fixed crash when doing drag and drop on AudioSuite in Pro Tools
- Fixed drag and drop not switching to 5.1 channels automatically
- Added option to save and load projects with the standalone application
- Added option to export only loudness or dynamics graphs
- Added option to set points density for graph export
- Added option to the export-import graph memory file
- Added dialog gating option based on Dolby Dialog Intelligence
- Added option to see a voice detection inside the histogram based on Dolby Dialog Intelligence
- Added option to ignore system audio volume on Windows standalone app
- Added option to always keep the standalone app on top of other windows
- Added option to resize the window by its sides
- Added option to auto update export name based on the file name from drag and drop
- Added option to select integrated relative gate type
- Added option to select adaptive dialog gate method of calculation
- Added adaptive gate threshold setting
- Added configurable averaging window for the momentary loudness calculation
- Added integrated relative gate indication in the histogram
- Added option for showing an alternative look of the metering bars
- Added Netflix preset
- Added Deezer preset
- Updated YouTube preset
- Removed click to pause histogram tracking option
- Improved CPU usage when the UI is minimized
- Improved measurements naming in the graph export
- Changed indication for edited preset to a simple star symbol
- Output settings are removed on the standalone app because they are not needed
- The standalone app now remembers its position
- Integrated alerts are now set with presets automatically
- Successful export message box now shows the full path of the exported file
- Advanced optimizations are now on by default
- Improved project saving speed with large graphs
- Improved loading speed
- Changed LK indication to more correct LU indication
- The standalone app preferences will be reverted to default values
- Windows installer now remembers previous install paths
- Improved GUI performance on 5K iMacs and macOS running non-default display color profiles
- Other small UI, UX improvements
V2.3.2 – October 17, 2019
- Fixed wrong channel selection in the standalone app
- Fixed wrong input name with the ASIO driver in the standalone app
- Fixed GUI not working in some older macOS versions
- Fixed crash when changing GUI scaling and reverting back to original
- Fixed drop-down menu glitch
- Fixed drag and drop not working with Ogg files on Windows
- Removed support for 32bit on macOS
- Improved file support for drag and drop
- Added System Audio monitoring in Windows standalone app
- Added fullscreen mode in the standalone app
- Other small UI, UX improvements
V2.3.1 – August 30, 2019
- Fixed volume boost in FL Studio
- Fixed custom preset glitch
- Fixed blue window showing with empty buttons
- Fixed AAX plugin not loading with 7.1.2 channel configuration
- Fixed AAX plugin won’t load in Pro Tools 12.7 or earlier
- Improved compatibility with Pro Tools
- Added prevention of crashing when loading saved state from newer versions
- Audio is now only passed for channels set inside the interface
V2.3.0 – August 11, 2019
- Audio is now always passed for all connected channels
- Added option to add a custom logo to exported files
- Added a file selector button for quick analysis
- Added Amazon Alexa and Amazon Music preset
- Added tooltip info bar
- Added support for 7.1 surround and 7.1.2 Dolby Atmos
- Added true peak clipping channel indicator
- Added an option to invert time code for Elapsed and Continuous histogram mode
- Added AAX Audio Suite analyze button
- Added back support for 32 bit on macOS
- Time coding info is now inverted by default for Elapsed and Continuous histogram mode
- Time coding info is now always inverted after drag and drop
- Application will not start with paused measurements by default anymore
- Fixed macOS installer not showing all information if the dark theme is selected for the OS
- Fixed drag and drop has a wrong start in the Time Code mode
- Fixed drag and drop not working in some DAWs like Cubase
- Fixed GUI glitches with drag and drop in some DAWs
- Fixed spike at dynamics graph start
- Fixed crash when working with 5.1 surround channels
- Improved general stability
- Small UI, UX improvements
V2.2.4 – June 20, 2019
- Added Apple Podcast and Spotify Loud presets
- Drag and drop now always process audio at the file sample rate
- Measurements won’t be reset if you open a project with a different sample rate
- Alerts now show “OFF” when disabled
- Adjusted thresholds and rounding
- Adjusted Auto Gradient for dynamic range target to show all green when above the threshold
- Right click on readouts now opens the alerts settings
- Fixed graph jumps at 0 position when DAW is not playing when using Time Code mode
- Fixed some graphical glitches when working in Time Code mode
- Fixed mouseover dynamics graph showing dB instead of LU
- Fixed drop-down menu graphical glitch
- Fixed Pro Tools run out of power when using the Time Code mode
- Fixed Time Code not working on sessions longer than 14 hours
- Fixed slow GUI animations on some systems
- Improved the GUI performance, especially on macOS retina screens
- Improved overall performance
- Other small UI, UX improvements
V2.2.3 – May 2, 2019
- Fixed graph not correctly updated in some cases if using Time Code mode
- Fixed input gain not retaining value if global settings are used
- Fixed input gain does not modify the output anymore
- Fixed crash in TwistedWave with AU
- Fixed drag and drop info does not display correctly in TwistedWave
- Fixed wrong end position when doing drag and drop in Time Code mode
- Fixed crash with drag and drop on macOS Mojave if you have not allowed the permission to use audio
- Fixed graph not zooming correctly with mouse wheel if GUI scaling is not at 100%
- If you cancel drag and drop the graph is not reset anymore
- Animations are now a bit slower on macOS
- Removed halo around the dynamic graph
V2.2.2 – macOS Only – April 25, 2019
- Fixed problems with loading the plugin on macOS
V2.2.1 – April 23, 2019
- Fixed plugin reverting from PRO to free in some cases
- Fixed crash in Ableton Live 9 when loading more than one plugin instance
- Fixed drag and drop not working in Windows with non-English file paths
- Fixed drag and drop crashing with longer files
- Fixed crash when using 5.1 in the standalone app
- Fixed AAX not working on macOS
- Reduced RAM usage for drag and drop by 300%
- Improved speed of drag and drop by 2x
- Improved preferences panel in the standalone app
- Improved news panel
- Added option to check updates for BETA versions
- Added dropped file info on the histogram
- Added option to autosave app session
- Added option for input gain correction
- Drag and drop can now open all OS supported audio/video files
- Audio is now silenced while drag and drop analysis is performed
- The installer on macOS now recommends reboot or logging off, but does not force anything
V2.2.0 – BETA – March 29, 2019
- Added drag and drop to analyze WAV, MP3, OGG or FLAC files
- Added Excel file export option
- Added color alerts to mouse over readouts
- Added confirmation box when changing GUI scaling
- Added A/B save states
- Added DR guides in the histogram
- Added standalone 64bit app for Windows and macOS
- Removed support for 32bit on macOS systems
- Removed requirement for a reboot of macOS after updating the plugin using the installer
- Removed getting started screen
- All plugins and apps are now digitally signed
- Fixed wobbly graphs
- Fixed wrong selection position after session reload
- Fixed plugin starts in extremely low FPS mode after first use
- Added automatic gradient setting for dynamics graph
- Improved GUI performance
- Improved zooming on the histogram
- UI and UX improvements
V2.1.1 – November 29, 2018
- Fixed Sound Forge not starting in continuous mode
- Fixed opening an old project might give you low FPS
- Fixed typo in refresh rate menu
- Fixed graph not updating in timecode mode
- Fixed label text not scaling
- Fixed export not working on macOS
- Fixed Pro Tools reset graphs glitch
- Fixed SVG and PNG not exporting at correct DPI
- Plugin moved to Sound Field menu in Pro Tools
V2.1.0 – November 23, 2018
- Added plugin dark theme
- Added export white theme
- Added PNG, SVG graph export
- Added resolution selector for the export
- Added text scaling option
- Added option to save a custom presets
- Added simple way to unregister the plugin
- Added graph refresh rate control
- Added 1.5 HRS, 2.5 HRS, 3.5 HRS window sizes
- Added EBU S1 and ASWG presets
- Renamed PLR-Integrated to Peak-Loudness Ratio
- Renamed PLR-Short Term to Dynamic Range
- Extended range of true peak alert threshold (10dB to -30dB)
- Improved graph timeline text
- Improved loading speed
- Graphs rendering optimization
- Fixed crash in Studio One on macOS
- Fixed FL Studio wrong timecode position after project load
- Fixed plugin won’t work until you reselect the continuous mode in some DAWs
- UI and UX improvements
- Stability improvements
V2.0.2 – September 23, 2018
- Fixed graphical glitches on macOS retina screens
- Fixed plugin resetting to the FREE mode in Final Cut Pro X
- Fixed “GO TO WEBSITE” button
- Fixed update notification not working in Windows in V2.0.1
- Fixed plugin freeze if you pause measurements and disable and re-enable the plugin in the mixer
- Improved compatibility with vMix
V2.0.1 – September 9, 2018
- Fixed not being able to click on View and Registration menu
- Fixed plugin is moved to the bottom on retina screens
- Fixed resize error when dragging plugin from retina to non retina screen
- Improved compatibility with retina screens
- Improved compatibility with Final Cut Pro X (more work needs to be done)
- Fixed crash with AU loading in Studio One
V2.0.0 – September 1, 2018
- Fixed resizing issues in Ableton Live on Windows
- Fixed drop shadow glitch with scaled GUI
- Fixed problem with file names when exporting PDF files
- Fixed Elapsed behavior when “Auto Reset” feature is turned off
- Fixed plugin not working in FL Studio using AU plugin format
- Minor graphics fixes
- Added option to close “Window can not fit the screen” popup
V1.9.9 – BETA – July 20, 2018
- Improved GUI performance
- Added GUI animations
- Added preview for PLR histogram
- Fixed not being able to see the GUI interface
- Fixed not being able to resize GUI interface in vMix
- Fixed empty 2 button panel on GUI open
- Added registration panel
V1.9.8 – BETA – June 28, 2018
- Fixed “Pro Tools ran out of CPU power” bug
- Added Audio Suite version of the plugin for Pro Tools
- Changed GUI design (still work in progress)
- Added option to check for updates from the plugin
- Added “Pause Measurements” button
- Added option to set focus on readouts
- Resizing performance improvements
V1.9.7 – BETA – May 7, 2018
- Fixed hold max values not resetting after a mouse click
- Added AAX plugin type for macOS and Windows
- Stability improvements
V1.9.6 – BETA – May 2, 2018
- Fixed VST3 not working in Studio One
- Fixed VST3 not working in vMix
- Fixed bug when moving color splits will freeze vMix
V1.9.5 – BETA – May 2, 2018
- Added settings for PLR graph, alerts, optimizations
- Added pdf export option
- Fixed PLR-I measurement error after project reload
- Optimized binary size
- Reduced CPU usage by ~30%
- Minor GUI tweaks
v1.9.4 – BETA – Apr 1, 2018
- Fixed forced mono audio
- Fixed some crashes
v1.9.3 – BETA – Apr 1, 2018
- Fixed broken v1.9.2 build that will crash sometimes
v1.9.2 – BETA – Mar 31, 2018
- Added loudness target knob
- Added check if a plug-in interface can fit the monitor screen
- Added buttons to reset window size and scaling
- Added loudness range display
- Fixed crash when switching to 22050 Hz sample rate
- Minor GUI bug fixes
v1.9.1 – BETA – Feb 28, 2018
- Fixed Time Code behavior when “Auto Reset” feature is turned on
- Minor small bug fixes
v1.9.0 – BETA – Feb 7, 2018
- Added smooth color transition option
- Added PLR-Short Term and PLR-Integrated readouts
- Added second color split
- Added true peak graph display
- Added Getting Started window
- Added true peak graph display
- Extended range of true peak threshold to -30 dB
- Optimized graphics for macOS retina and Windows HiDPI mode
- Optimized graphics performance
- Fixed preset recalling
- Fixed most of the resizing problems on macOS
- Better compatibility with macOS High Sierra using AU format
- GUI design improvements
- Stability improvements
v1.5.0 – BETA – Jun 4, 2017
- Added GUI scaling. Activate by ctrl+drag on resizing handle
- Added view modes
- Added continuous mode
- Added fine control for true peak threshold
- Fixed crashes in Cubase – VST3 version
- A lot of stability improvements
- Minor graphical glitches fixes
v1.0.5 – Jan 12, 2017
- Added macOS installer
- Fixed settings not sticking after project reload
- Fixed jump when changing window size with the mouse wheel
- Improved scrolling with histogram control
- macOS stability improvements
- Minor graphical glitches fix
v1.0.4 – Dec 12, 2016
- Added manual.
- Fixed small bug when switching from auto to non-auto in Time Code mode
- Fixed wrong integrated and loudness range measurements if play position has jumped in the playlist
v1.0.3 – Dec 8, 2016
- Fixed random resetting transport in Bitwig Studio
- Many fixes regarding transport
v1.0.2 – Dec 6, 2016
- Fixed AU crash at load in Ableton Live
- Fixed true peak detection
- Fixed a button that pauses integrated and loudness range measurements
v1.0.1 – Dec 4, 2016
- Fixed missing libraries on macOS
- Fixed volume boost in FL Studio
- Fixed FL Studio crash while detaching the plugin
- Fixed Reaper crash after play in Windows
- Fixed minor graphical glitches
v1.0.0 – Nov 30, 2016
- Initial release