Youlean & Education
Empower students to achieve more.

Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland

SAE Institute Vancouver, Canada
Educational institutions that use Youlean Loudness Meter in their educational courses.
* Youlean at Audio Forum, Belgrade 2019
Why Are Loudness Standards Important in Education?
In the television, radio, film and music industries, loudness measurement has become a standard. Many countries have adopted these standards as law and you are obliged to comply with specific broadcast requirements.
As you may guess, any industry where the sound is important has put loudness standards on its radar which means any professional is obliged to have skills and knowledge about official loudness measurements and standards.
Popular Usage
LUFS metering is the current music industry standard for measuring loudness consistency between songs on albums and songs on music streaming platforms.
Also, loudness management is a key factor for game developers. Many game companies require you to measure the loudness of the music track since it has to fall within defined LUFS levels.
Educational Discount
Youlean is eager to help out any student or educational institution that wants to use Youlean Loudness Meter. Youlean Loudness Meter PRO is available for an affordable price but if you are a student or a teacher you can qualify for an educational discount of 30%. You need to send us the proof of being a student or an educator and you will get the discount code.
Contact us before the purchase.
* Visual Graph of Your Audio
Meters in the Learning Process
Yes, you use loudness meter to comply with the standards but there is an important usage in the learning process as well.
You can learn a lot from analyzing other songs with loudness meters. You can gain insight into how different artists are mixing and mastering their music. A very important thing is a visual graph that many students find useful in understanding loudness. Train your ears to create consistent mixes.
Is LUFS Metering Essential for Students?
Nowadays, it is one of the most important parts of the educational chain of any institution dealing with audio.
LUFS metering is the most accurate way of measuring loudness because it resembles a human hearing more closely than other meters. This loudness measuring system has helped combat the loudness wars. It’s also the new standard for normalizing audio levels on music platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube.
Students use Youlean Loudness Meter when making mixes to ensure they have hit the appropriate delivery specifications of the platform.
* Youlean at Audio Forum, Belgrade 2019
Choose Cost-Effective Licensing When You Purchase Products for Your Institution
Youlean offers bundle pricing for plugins purchased at the same time. Suitable for any school, faculty or institute that uses Youlean Loudness Meter plugin on multiple machines at the same time. You will get the discount automatically on the Checkout page.
If you are just starting to learn, use our FREE version.
- Film, TV and Gaming presets
- LU, INT, TP, LRA, PLR, DR readouts
- Resizing, scaling GUI
Mini view - Custom true peak alert threshold
- True peak and loudness graph
- Loudness distribution graph
- Automatic loudness overdub
- Mono, Stereo, and 5.1 channel
- Low CPU consumption
- Never expires
If you are advanced, use our PRO version.
- Everything in FREE, plus
- Streaming presets
- Dynamics graph
- PDF, PNG or SVG export
- Saving custom presets
- Text scaling
- Dark and light theme support
- A/B save states
- Drag & drop analysis
- Lifetime FREE updates
- 30 days money back guarantee
If you are advanced, use our PRO version.
- Everything in FREE, plus
- Streaming presets
- Dynamics graph
- PDF, PNG or SVG export
- Saving custom presets
- Text scaling
- Dark and light theme support
- A/B save states
- Drag & drop analysis
- Lifetime FREE updates
- 30 days money back guarantee
Are You a School Using Youlean Loudness Meter?
Get in touch with us and share your experience!